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March 2019
For Children's Stations of the Cross, please sign up here: 要报名参加儿童的十架苦路之旅,请在这里报名
Find out more »For Stations of the Cross, please sign up here: 要参加十架苦路之旅,请在这里报名
Find out more »April 2019
Encourage brothers and sisters to join in this gathering during Lent to experience the significance of Passover Meal. Please note that the session will be held in Mandarin. 鼓励弟兄姐妹在这大斋节期里参加这聚会来体会逾越节的意义。这聚会将会以华语来进行。
Find out more »Maundy Thursday On Maundy Thursday, the church remembers the last evening Jesus shared with his disciples in the upper room before his arrest and crucifixion. Maundy Thursday marks three key events in Jesus' last week: 1. his washing of his disciples feet, 2. his institution of the Lord's Supper, and 3. his new commandment to love one another. The word "Maundy" comes from the Latin word mandatum novum, referring to the "new commandment" Jesus taught his disciples (John 13:34).
Find out more »濯足日 Maundy Thursday: 在这一天教会纪念耶稣与门徒在阁楼上,在他被逮捕钉十架前最后一次与门徒同处的一段时间。 濯足日有着三个别具意义的事件:1. 耶稣为他的门徒洗脚,2. 设立了主的圣餐和 3.提醒门徒彼此相爱的命令。 "Maundy Thursday" 的 “Maundy" 来自拉丁文的mandatum novum, 意思是耶稣给予门徒的新约命令 (约翰福音13:34)。
Find out more »受难节 受难节指的是耶稣基督的受死。受难节英文的名称"Good Friday"里的"Good"就是“好”的意思。这是因为耶稣的死是为了赎罪的牺牲。在这一天我们看见一副神圣荣耀的画面,一个完全,无私的爱,一个出人意料战胜罪恶的途径,一个救赎众生的方式。
Find out more »Good Friday Good Friday marks the death of Jesus Christ. It's called "good" because of what Jesus' death means for the redemption of the world. On Good Friday we simultaneously see an atoning sacrifice for sin; a picture of divine glory; an example of perfect, self-giving love; a surprising means of conquering evil; and a means for redeeming all creation.
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